Professor Greg Fox honoured in NHMRC Research Excellence Awards
The FLIRT-TB study: A fluoroquinolone-based regimen to treat the commonest form of drug-resistant tuberculosis’ was the top ranked grant...
Professor Greg Fox honoured in NHMRC Research Excellence Awards
WORLD TB DAY 24th March
Nice editorial by Dr. Justin Denholm:
Congratulates to Fajri Gafar et al on their paper:
Podcast: Tuberculosis Modelling with Dr Hojoon Sohn
2023 World TB Day Parliamentary Event
Podcast: Professor Jan-Willem Alffenaar on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
The Strategic Plan for Control of Tuberculosis in Australia, 2021–2025
TB Research Seminar
Shorter treatment for children with non-severe TB
Join us on World TB Day 2022
Zoom event: meet our new TB-CRE postdocs