TB-CRE Symposium 2022
Fri, 08 Apr
Join us on-line our annual TB-CRE Research Symposium. We will be looking at recent TB research at the Population, Host, and Mycobacterium levels.
Time & Location
08 Apr 2022, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm AEST
About the event
Reconnecting with TB Research
TB-CRE Symposium – 8th April 2022, 9-4.30
9 am. Host-pathogen interactions Chair. Professor Warwick Britton
1. Professor Marc Pelligrini (Walter & Eliza Hall Institute)
Macrophage and neutrophil death programs and resistance to Tuberculosis
2. Dr Claudio Counoupas & Erica Stewart (University of Sydney)
From Tuberculosis to COVID-19 vaccines
3. Dr Nicole Messina (Murdoch Childrens’ Research Institute)
Effect of BCG on the immune response to SARS-CoV-2
10:30 – 11 am. Morning tea
11 am. Probing the mycobacterium Chair A/Professor Bernadette Saunders
1. Dr Kristy Horan and Dr Katie Dale, Doherty Institute and Victorian TB Program
TB molecular epidemiology in Victoria
2. Dr Connie Lam, Centre Infectious Diseases Microbiology-Public Health, Westmead
Resistome of M. tuberculosis; molecular markers of drug resistance
3. Professor Gregory Fox, University of Sydney and RPA Hospital
Precision Medicine and Tuberculosis
12:30-2 pm. Lunch
2:00-3:30pm. Population Health Research in TB Chair Professor Justin Denholm
1. Professor Justin Denholm, Victorian TB Program and Melbourne Health
Ethics, WGS and Tuberculosis public health
2. Dr Chris Lowbridge, Menzies Institute, Darwin
Tuberculosis in West Papua
3. Dr Bintari Dwihardiani
Contributing to TB Elimination in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Zero TB Yogyakarta Experience
4. Dr Suman Majumdar (Burnet Institute)
Tuberculosis in Papua New Guinea
5. Dr Jeremy Hill and Professor Ben Marais (University of Sydney)
PEARL overview and update from Kiribati
3:30 – 3.45. Morning tea
3.45 The view from WHO Chair Professor Emma McBryde
Dr Kerri Viney, WHO Global TB Program, Geneva
Update on WHO’s work on TB among vulnerable populations & TB & co-morbidities
4.30 Finish