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Centre Of Research Excellence in Tuberculosis Control Both sides of the border

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Centre of Research Excellence Award

Tuberculosis (TB) is a global pandemic affecting more than 10 million people annually and a leading cause of long-term morbidity and mortality from infectious disease in all ages. The CRE in TB elimination on both sides of the border (TB-CRE), will focus on three research themes: detect, treat, and prevent.


While based at the University of Sydney, the CRE includes investigators with a diverse range of expertise and experience from multiple research institutions across Australia and within the Asia-Pacific region.  The collaboration will facilitate research excellence across high-incidence TB populations in Australia and internationally, including Indonesia, Timor Leste, PNG, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Mongolia, China, and the Pacific (Fiji and Kiribati). Communities affected by TB will be engaged by the CRE through Community Advisory Boards (CABs). These CABs will ensure patients remain at the heart of programs, policies, and strategies in TB control.


TB-CRE investigators include Profs Greg Fox, Ben Marais, Guy Marks, Emma McBryde, Steve Graham, Jamie Triccas, Justin Denholm Thu-Anh Nguyen and A/Profs Bernadette Saunders and Sarah Bernays, and senior advisors Profs Warwick Britton and Vitali Sintchenko. We wish the team the very best in their work towards the goal of global TB elimination.


CXR is a major tool to support diagnosis of TB in children. The Diagnostic CXR Atlas for Tuberculosis in Children is a Union initiative which has been translated into the following languages: Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese, Mongolian and Vietnamese. Learn more...

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The 51st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Immunology (ASI) was held in Auckland, New Zealand in December 2023. Bringing together immunologists with the aim of advancing the science and education of Immunology in the Australasian region.


The PEARL study is a non-randomised whole-of-population implementation study to screen and treat all residents of South Tarawa aged 3 and above (or younger if recent TB/leprosy contacts) for TB and leprosy disease and infection.

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