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A regional MDR tuberculosis consultant workshop in partnership with the WHO

Bringing together evidence-based science and health systems

A workshop designed to equip health care workers with the knowledge and skills to manage multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR/RR-TB) – and act as regional consultants - was held in the last week of March at the Centenary Institute, under the auspices of the Centre for Research Excellence in Tuberculosis Control (TB-CRE).

MDR/RR-TB is a clear threat to the health security of the Western Pacific region, home to many high-burden countries and accounting for an estimated 114,000 cases per year, of whom fewer than a quarter receive appropriate treatment.

Since the WHO released revised policy guidelines on MDR/RR-TB in December 2018, replacing all previous recommendations, it was timely to offer a training course to develop a pool of regional consultant to help build much-needed regional capacity in this area. This workshop brought together ~30 highly experienced TB experts from China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, The Philippines, New Zealand and Australia.

The TB-CRE, in partnership with the World Health Organization, The Union and KNCV, designed the workshop to equip aspiring consultants with the necessary knowledge and critical insight, as well as practical problem-solving skills and cultural competencies necessary to ensure success in the field. Feedback from the participants was universally positive.

The workshop participants are pictured above. Below, left to right, is Professor Mathew Vadas, Director of Centenary Institute; Kefas Samson (Medical Officer from the Global TB Programme of WHO Geneva; Dr. Richard Stapledon, Chair of the rGLC for the Western Pacific Region of the World Health Organisation.

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